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Made in Germany
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VoitAir Scent Marketing – a symphony of senses made in Germany

Scent marketing is the purposeful aromatization of rooms with special room fragrances. Scents neutralize odors, convey a positive shopping experience, create a brand identity and complement the visual perception, thus promoting sales and encouraging people to stay longer. As a medium-sized family business with a strong service orientation, we are passionately committed to the craft of manufacturing aroma diffusers for all room sizes and producing room fragrances. Due to their perfect functionality and popularity, they are already used worldwide and across industries. Shop

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Become a Voitair scent marketing partner

We are looking for experienced partners in scent machine distribution throughout Europe. With our innovative scent machines, wide range of products, and expertise in the field of aroma marketing, we are the perfect distribution partner for you. Build locations throughout Europe with us as the general representative. Our scent machines are the perfect addition to any store, practice, office, or public space. Our experienced sales team will support you in implementing your aroma marketing strategy. Contact

Hand disinfection dispenser with stand

Our disinfection station is compliant with the strict norms of the Robert Koch Institute. Contactless Photocell, suitable for standard bottles. disinfection stations:


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Disinfectant Dispenser Shop

Scent marketing – scent and technology in harmony

For our aroma diffusers a wide range of scents are available. The fragrance compositions of VOITAIR – due to their relaxing, concentration increasing or appetite stimulating effect scents create a unique sales atmosphere. We offer the perfect fragrance for every industry such as museums, theatres, restaurants, medical practices or retail. In the production of our fragrances, we totally avoid chemical or alcoholic fragrance carriers. Our scents are subject to the highest quality standards, certified by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). Choose from over 100 business fragrances or get a free consultation. We are your partner for scent marketing and create a relaxed shopping experience for your customers. Shop

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Scent marketing – creating added value for companies

Our fragrance creations meet the highest purity standards and are produced in Grass, the world’s fragrance capital. In addition to serving as eliminators and neutralizers of unwanted smells, the main purpose of our scents is to evoke positive emotions that interact with a company’s brand and to create significant added value through providing a clear differentiator.

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VoitAir Scent marketing – Used around the world

The professional VOITAIR fragrance systems are used around the world. Whether in hotels or retail, we find the best solution for you. We thank our customers for the trust placed in us and in scent marketing. references & customers scent marketing

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Duftmarketing Duftmarketing Duftmarketing Referenzen

You’re looking for a suitable and unique scent or scents and want to eliminate unpleasant odors in the air? Good air quality is crucial and part of scent marketing. Brand identity and branding are also essential aspects of marketing. The sense of smell is crucial in product purchasing decisions. Therefore, ambient scenting plays a significant role. People subconsciously smell your business.